Digestive System

Digestion is a process in which food is broken down into smaller molecules that the body can use to nourish the cells and to provide energy. There are two types of process. Firstly, the mechanical process, it is the process of breaking down food by chewing or mastication. Second, the chemical process, food is acted upon by chemical substance called enzymes that are secreted with digestive juice.

The digestive process starts in the mouth. The teeth break down food into small pieces. The tongue mixes the food with saliva and also helps in swallowing. The salivary glands secrete saliva that lubricates food. Swallowing pushes the food into the throat. It is the common passageway for digestion and respiration. Next is the esophagus. The process of transporting food through the esophagus is called peristalsis. In addition the stomach stores the swallowed food. Then the small intestine is considered as the organ of complete digestion and absorption. Then the large intestine absorbs vitamins produced by bacteria in the colon. Lastly, the rectum it serves as a warehouse for feces. At the end part of the rectum is the anus that functions as the exit point of fecal materials.

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